Don Thompson and Page Gilman, 1931

Don Thompson and Page Gilman

Page Gilman (professional name, Billy Page), was NBC's 13-year-old star actor.  He played Billy Smithers in "Memory Lane" and Jack Barbour on "One Man's Family".  In 1931, he turned announcer for a day to broadcast his own high school's football game, when Lowell High played Polytechnic High. Don Thompson, NBC's chief Pacific Coast sportscaster, coached Gilman on the techniques of play-by-play broadcasting, as seen here.  Gilman spent several Sundays in the broadcast booth with Thompson, watching him work at the microphone.  Gilman called the game over KYA, which was being operated by NBC in 1931. 

Gilman was born on April 18, 1918. He was the son of Don Gilman, NBC's Pacific Coast manager.  He began working on radio at the age of nine, performing the series "Memory Lane" and "Penrod and Sam". He began playing the role of Jack Barbour, the youngest son, on the NBC radio series "One Man's Family" in 1932. Gilman served in the U.S. Army during World War II and returned to radio and "One Man's Family" after the war. He continued in the weekly series until it left the air in 1959. Gilman later worked in the newspaper business until his retirement in 1984.  He died in 2006.